
Author Guidelines

Official Call for Papers

Submission Instructions

All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference's CMT Website. All authors must agree to the policies stipulated below. The submission deadline is November 1st and will not be changed. Supplemental materials can be submitted until November 8th.Please refer to the following files for detailed formatting instructions.
A complete paper should be submitted using the above templates, which are blind-submission review-formatted templates. The length should match that intended for final publication. Papers accepted for the conference will be allocated 6 pages in the proceedings, with the option of purchasing up to 2 extra pages for US$100 per page (to be paid after paper acceptance, at the time of registration for the conference). So, if you are unwilling or unable to pay the extra charge, you should limit yourself to 6 pages. We know there are no printing charges, however the optional page charges help cover the cost of the reviewing process. Papers with more than 8 pages (including references) will be rejected.


Review Process: By submitting a paper to CVPR, the authors agree to the review process and understand that papers are processed by the Toronto system to match each manuscript to the best possible chairs and reviewers.

Double blind review: CVPR reviewing is double blind, in that authors do not know the names of the area chair/reviewers of their papers, and area chairs/reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Please read Section 1.6 of the example paper egpaper_for_review for detailed instructions on how to preserve anonymity. Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g., titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines may lead to rejection without review. If you need to cite a different paper of yours that is being submitted concurrently to CVPR, the authors should (1) cite these papers (preserving anonymity as described in Section 1.6 of the example paper egpaper_for_review), (2) argue in the body of your paper why your CVPR paper is non trivially different from these concurrent submissions, and (3) include anonymized versions of those papers in the supplemental material.

Note that we will be actively checking for plagiarism.

Dual/Double Submissions: By submitting a manuscript to CVPR, authors acknowledge that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any journal, conference, workshop, or archival peer-reviewed forum. Furthermore, no paper substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to another conference or workshop during the review period (November 1 - March 1). The authors also attest that they did not submit substantially similar submissions to CVPR14. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection. If you are not sure about the extent of overlap, you may upload a copy of the paper in question as supplementary material.

An extended version of a paper submitted to CVPR (with sufficiently new material) can be submitted to a journal anytime after the CVPR's submission deadline (even before a final decision on the paper is sent to the authors). An author submitting an extended version of a CVPR paper to a journal needs to ensure that the paper (a) satisfies all submission requirements of the intended journal and (b) does not violate any copyright with IEEE. Authors may also wish to notify the CVPR program chairs of their journal submission.

Note that a Technical Report that is put up without any form of direct peer-review is NOT considered a publication and is therefore allowed. Likewise, mention of the work under review in a presentation is NOT considered a violation. For further information, please refer to Section 8.2.4.F of the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual.

Conflict Responsibilities: It is the primary author's responsibility to ensure that all authors on their paper have registered their institutional conflicts into CMT. For each author, please enter the domain of his/her current institution. Please enter ONLY ONE institution, except when the author was in more than one institution in the last 12 months (Nov 1 - Nov 1). DO NOT enter the domain of email providers such as gmail. This institutional conflict information will be used in conjunction with prior authorship conflict information to resolve assignments to both reviewers and area chairs. If a paper is found to have an undeclared or incorrect institutional conflict, the paper may be summarily rejected.

Publication: All accepted papers will be made publicly available by the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF) before the conference. Authors wishing to submit a patent understand that the paper becomes of public domain after the final (camera-ready) version is submitted.

Attendance responsibilities: The authors agree that if the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper there.

Supplementary Material

Authors may optionally upload supplementary material, which may not fit in the PDF size limit and may include:
  • videos to showcase results/demo of the proposed approach/system,
  • images and other results in addition to the ones in the paper,
  • anonymized related submissions to other conferences and journals, and
  • appendices or technical reports containing extended proofs and mathematical derivations that are not essential to the understanding of the submitted paper.
CVPR encourages authors to submit videos using an MP4 codec such as DivX contained in an AVI. Also, please submit a README text file with each video specifying the exact codec used and a URL where the codec can be downloaded.

The authors should refer to the contents of the supplementary material appropriately in the paper. Note that reviewers will be encouraged to look at it, but are not obligated to do so. Please note that:
  1. All supplementary material must be self-contained and zipped into a single file. The following formats are allowed: avi, doc, docx, mp4, pdf, wmv. CMT imposes a 100MB limit on the size of this file. Note that you can update the file by uploading a new one (the old one will be deleted and replaced).
  2. The paper for review (PDF only) must be submitted first before the supplementary material (PDF or ZIP only) can be submitted.
  3. Please make sure that the supplementary material directly supports the paper as submitted prior to the paper deadline. ONLY results generated by the algorithm/approach/system reported in the submitted version are allowed. Material based on improvements subsequent to the paper deadline is not allowed.
  4. Do not submit a newer version of the paper as supplementary material. A newer version of the paper or portion thereof, with description of an improved algorithm/approach/system or even one spelling or typo correction, is not allowed.

Specific Instructions

  1. Paper submission and review site:
    • Submission Site (bookmark or save this URL!)
    • Please make sure that your browser has cookies and Javascript enabled.
    • Please add to your list of safe senders (whitelist) to prevent important email announcements from being blocked by spam filters.
  2. If you have been invited to review for CVPR14:
    If you have been invited to review for CVPR14, an account has been automatically generated for you using the contact email as your account name (regardless of whether you agreed to review or not). You need to only request for a new password via "Reset your password". If you have agreed to review, please follow the reviewer login instructions.
    If you have not been invited to review for CVPR14:
    If you have not been invited to review for CVPR14, you are not in the system. Please sign up as a new user. If you have generated an account and have forgotten your password, just click on "Reset your password". Instructions will be emailed to you.
  3. Logging in the first time:
    When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to enter your conflict domain information. You will not be able to submit any paper without entering this information. We need to ensure conflict-free reviewing of all papers.
  4. Update contact information:
    At any time, you can edit your contact information (see item near the top right in the submission site). Don't forget to click the "Update" button to save the edited information. If you wish to change the contact email address, you can modify it via the "Change your Email" box.
  5. Enter subject (topic) areas for your paper:
    When you submit a paper, you will be asked to specify its associated subject areas. Please note that you indicate only one "primary" subject area and any number of "secondary" subject areas. Please pay extra attention in selecting your subject areas, as this information is critical in allowing us to properly assign papers to area chairs and reviewers. Caution: you cannot pick the "primary" subject area as a "secondary" subject area; if you do this, the system will not allow you to save. For example, if you had picked "Face and Gesture" as the "primary" area, you cannot pick "Face and Gesture" as a "secondary" area.
  6. Enter Institutional Conflicts
    For each author, please enter the domain of his/her current institution. Please enter ONLY ONE institution, except when the author was in more than one institution in the last 12 months (Nov 1 - Nov 1). DO NOT enter the domain of email providers such as gmail.
  7. Paper Number
    Once you have registered your paper (i.e. title/authors), you will be assigned a paper number. Insert this into the latex or word template before generating the pdf of your paper for submission. Papers submitted without a number may not be reviewed.
  8. Requirements:
    • The maximum size of the abstract is 4000 characters.
    • The paper must be PDF only (maximum 30MB).
    • The supplementary material can be either PDF or ZIP only (maximum 100MB).
    • If your submission has co-authors, please make sure that you enter their email addresses that correspond exactly to their account names (assuming they have created accounts). This will ensure that your co-authors can see your submission when they log in. Co-authors must also have their conflict domains entered.

Author FAQs

About Submitting Papers
  • Can we please have an extension on the deadline?
    NO. As stated in the on the Submission/Reviewing page under Reviewing Process / Workflow: "NO extensions will be given and any incomplete submission or a submission not meeting required criteria will be deleted".
  • Can we get my quota increased for the size of paper submission from 30 MB to something higher?
    NO. We have set hard limits of 30MB (PDF Only) for paper submission and 100MB (PDF or ZIP only) for supplementary materials for submissions for review. As we are expecting many submissions, and as each reviewer is expected to review (on average) about 10 papers, we feel that larger file downloads (and uploads) will tax the system and abilities of reviewers to get to the papers fast enough. Authors should consider adding hi-res images as supplementary material. See Supplementary Material.
  • How do I delete Supplementary Material from the CMT site?
    We have added a feature that allows authors to remove supplementary files. After you log in, in the "Author" console, you'll notice "Upload/Delete File" at the end of the supplementary file name. Click on that, and in the page that appears, you can click on the "Delete" button to remove the supplementary file. (Please note that you will not be able to delete the supplementary file after the supplementary file deadline.)
  • Can we submit color images with our papers for review?
    YES. Reviewers will get the exact pdf file of the paper you submitted, so they can see the color images on the screen. Do be warned though that many reviews still like to read printed papers and not all have access to high-end color printers. Please make sure to comment in the paper to request the reviewers to see the color online copy.
  • What is CVPR14 policy on DUAL SUBMISSIONS?
    Please read the dual/double submission paragraph above.
  • Does a Technical Report (departmental, arXiv, etc.) with publication available online count as a prior publication and therefore ineligible to review and publication at IEEE CVPR14?
    A Technical Report that is put up without any form for direct peer-review is NOT considered a publication.
  • Does a presentation at a departmental seminar during the review period violate the anonymity standard or other CVPR14 policy?
    NO. Authors must promise to not submit material under review to another publication and to properly anonymize the written submission per the guidelines. There is no requirement that the material otherwise be kept confidential during the review process.

About the Review Process
  • Is the CVPR14 Review Process CONFIDENTIAL?
    YES, CVPR14 Reviewing is considered confidential. All reviewers are required to keep every manuscript they review as confidential documents and not to share or distribute materials for any reason except to facilitate the reviewing of the submitted work. Reviewers are obligated to remove or destroy them after review. See the Reviewer Guidelines. Accepted papers will be published (with appropriate copyrights) with a date in June. Please make sure to discuss this issue with your legal advisors as it pertains to public disclosure of the contents of the papers submitted.
  • Are CVPR14 Reviews Double BLIND or Single BLIND?
    CVPR reviewing is Double BLIND, in that authors do not know the names of the area chair/reviewers of their papers, and area chairs/reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Please read Section 1.6 of the example paper egpaper_for_review for detailed instructions on how to preserve anonymity. Avoid providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs) and in the supplemental material (e.g., titles in the movies, or attached papers). Avoid providing links to websites that identify the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines will lead to rejection without review.

About Publications
  • As the CVPR14 Proceedings are Electronic/Digital, why do we need to pay for extra pages on acceptance of our paper that is longer then the default 6 pages? What are these funds used for?
    The extra page charges help to defray the costs associated with running CVPR and producing the technical program. This optional fee is considered a preferable alternative to increasing registration fees for everyone or to charging a submission fee. Added page fees are normally allowed expenses on grants and contracts.
