
Video Spotlights

CVPR14 video spotlights can be viewed at: cvpr14-video-highlights. This URL will be accessible before and after the conference. During the conference (June 24th - 27th), the URL will only be accessible between 6pm EDT to 8am EDT.

Authors of CVPR papers will be given the opportunity to submit a one-minute video summarizing their work (videos longer than one minute will be rejected). These videos will be indexed on the CVPR website so that conference participants can review the video spotlights online prior to their arrival at the conference, during the conference, or even after the conference. As part of their video, authors are requested to display a "title slide" with the title, authors and the ID of their poster or oral presentation. There are no specific constraints on the format. The video could display the author in front of his/her poster or it could be a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over. Remember that your audience doesn't want to see the details of your approach in 60 seconds. Rather, an effective video spotlight should briefly state the problem you're addressing in your paper, describe the approach at a very high level, and point out your contributions. Your goal is to pique the observer's interest, so that they visit your poster/oral or read your paper.

As part of their video, authors are requested to display a "title slide" with the title, authors and the ID of their poster or oral presentation. There are no specific constraints on the format. The video could display the author in front of his/her poster or it could be a PowerPoint presentation with voice-over. Remember that your audience doesn't want to see the details of your approach in 60 seconds. Rather, an effective video spotlight should briefly state the problem you're addressing in your paper, describe the approach at a very high level, and point out your contributions. Your goal is to pique the observer's interest, so that they visit your poster/oral or read your paper.

Inspiration for creating these videos can be drawn from the winning videos at the NSF International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge. For example, a video from Bill Freeman's team has received honorable mention in that Challenge.

While authors are not required to submit a video spotlight, they are encouraged to do so, as we expect that their video spotlights will bring broad exposure to their work, and we're hoping that this mechanism can, like the previous poster spotlights, help conference attendees prioritize their poster/oral viewing.

Upload instructions and DEADLINE:
Please email the information about your video spotlight here with the subject: "Video Spotlight - Paper ID XXXX".

You can either attach the video (size must be less than 25 MB) or upload the video to dropbox and include the downoad link. The deadline for uploads is Friday, June 6th. Video Spotlights are expected to be released by Tuesday, June 17th. Name your video "video-spotlight-XXXX.mp4". Please make sure the video is encoded in .mp4 format with H.264/AAC encoding at 1 to 1.5Mbps quality.