Demo submission: January 25
Demo acceptance: February 4
Demonstrations: March 27-29
The IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV17) is pleased to invite live demonstrations of research results and computer vision systems, intended to provide interested researchers from both academia and industry the opportunity to showcase their work before WACV17 attendees.
Researchers in computer vision and related disciplines are invited to submit applications to present demonstrations at WACV17. Applications are not limited to papers accepted to WACV17 or its workshops and demonstrations of any computer vision methods (published or otherwise) are welcome. Demonstrations will be held in parallel with poster sessions during the Main Conference (March 27-30).
Interested demo applicants should fill out and submit a WACV17 Demo Proposal Form electronically and email it along with any supporting material. All presenters of accepted demos must be registered to WACV17. The demo chair will select accepted demonstrations according to their scientific merit and relevance to WACV17.