Recent efforts in computer vision have demonstrated impressive successes on a variety of real-world challenges. WACV conferences provide a forum for computer vision researchers working on practical applications to share their latest developments. WACV17 solicits high-quality, original submissions describing research on computer vision applications. Unlike other vision conferences, WACV emphasizes papers on systems and applications with significant, interesting vision components. Authors are encouraged to submit applications papers, as well as more traditional algorithms papers.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Early and Biologically-Inspired Vision
- Segmentation and Grouping
- Object Recognition
- Scene Understanding
- Statistical Methods and Learning
- 3-D Modeling
- Motion Processing
- Stereo Processing
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Medical Imaging / Imaging for Bioinformatics
- Large Scale Vision Applications
- Vision for Aerial / Drone / Underwater / Ground Vehicles
- Infrared Imaging
- Hyperspectral Imaging
- Biometrics
- Document Analysis
- Image/Video Indexing and Retrieval
- Remote Sensing
- Real-time Tracking
- Face Processing
- Human Motion Analysis/Capture
- Action Recognition
- Gesture Recognition
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Security/Surveillance
- Vision for Robotics
- Industrial Inspection
- Computational Photography
- Vision for Graphics
- Evaluation and Comparison of Vision Algorithms
- Open Source Software for Computer Vision
- Image/Video Compression
- Vision Systems and Applications
- Multimedia Applications
In the submission process, authors will indicate whether their paper is for the applications or the algorithms track. Reviewing criteria will be different for the two tracks, with applications papers evaluated on systems-level innovation, novelty of the domain and comparative assessment. Algorithms papers will be evaluated according to the standard conference criteria including algorithmic novelty and quantified evaluation against current, alternative approaches.
WACV17 will also host a demonstration session. The proceedings will be published electronically and indexed in IEEE Xplore.
For the submission deadline and other important dates click here.
Paper submission instructions and related information is available under the Authors page.