The IEEE Winter Conference of Applications on Computer Vision (WACV17) will host one day of workshop on March 30, after the main conference. We invite workshop proposals that focus on any topic related to computer vision and its applications, interdisciplinary themes with other scientific and application areas, as well as emerging challenges or competitions.
Workshops could be organized in half‐day or one‐day. Proposals have to include the following information.
- Title, topic, and tentative call for papers of the workshop.
- Aims and scope of the workshop, including a description of the novelty of the proposed workshop and reasons why it is interesting to the community.
- Is this a continuation of a workshop series? If so, please describe the details of the previous workshops.
- Names, e-mails, and a brief CV of the organizers.
- Tentative program committee and/or invited speakers, if any.
- Estimated number of attendees.
- Estimated number of submissions and anticipated acceptance rate.
- Duration (half day or one day), with a preliminary agenda/format or proposed
- schedule; please specify if there are any date restrictions.
- Plans for a special journal issue or a book, if any.
Important dates
Submission deadline: October 18
Notification of acceptance: Nov 1
Workshop date: March 30