Presenter Instructions

In keeping with WACV tradition, each paper will be presented as a short oral and a poster.

Oral Presentation

Authors will give a 5-minute oral presentation for each paper during the assigned oral session as published in the program. The time limit will be strictly enforced; the presenter should focus on clearly communicating the most salient aspects of the work and the main results.

Before each oral session, authors will find a reserved seat marked with their paper ID (listed on Program page as well as in the printed program). Presentations will follow in order of ID numbers. Use your own laptop for the presentation. While a presenter is giving their talk, the next presenter will test their laptop with assistance from a WACV volunteer. When a talk concludes, the display will transition immediately to the next presentation and a new talk will immediately commence (questions should be reserved for the poster session). Projector resolution is 1024×768.

The equipment will be available for testing your talk 30 minutes prior to the day’s first session.

Poster Instructions

Each paper must also be presented during the poster session at the end of the same day as the oral presentation. At least one author should be present at the poster during the entire session.

The mounting board for each poster 4 feet tall X 8 feet wide (1.2m x 2.4m) in  landscape orientation as shown in the picture. The printed posters must be smaller or equal to this size to be appropriately mounted. Each paper will be assigned one of the two sides of the board. Push pins will be provided.


Each poster is only displayed during the assigned poster session. Authors are responsible for mounting the poster before the session and removing it at the end of the session.

Poster boards will be numbered. Your poster number will be the number beside your title in the printed program and the online program.

Terry’s Tips for effective posters are listed in this example Powerpoint Poster Template. Note the template is 22″x45″ and should be printed at 200% magnification. (Powerpoint does not allow a size of 44″x90″).  If you provide the template to a printer, tell them the desired final size. 300 DPI resolution on the graphics is recommended.

Local Poster Printing

Attendees to WACV17 can have their posters printed by “AJPrinting & Graphics” in Santa Rosa, CA and picked up at the registration desk at the conference.

Fees are as follows:
USD$85 (Files uploaded before Mar 17, 5:00PM [Pacific Time])
USD$115 (Files uploaded before Mar 25, 5:00PM [Pacific Time])
USD$170 (Files uploaded before Mar 23, 11:59pm [Pacific Time])