Corporate Donors
Corporate sponsorship is an excellent way to spread the word about the computer vision research and development work going on at your company and is a very effective tool for recruitment. Our attendance has been growing significantly over the last few years. This year we have received more paper submissions than last year and we expect that attendance will be over 250 vs. 220. Typically about 40% of the attendees are graduate students, providing a valuable recruiting opportunity. With specific tracks for both algorithms and applications papers, a new feature this year, WACV presents ample opportunities for initiating collaborations with academia and other industry groups.
There are several levels of sponsorship available:
Gold Level ($4000 & above)
- 3 free registrations
- Sponsorship of an award (see below), announced during award ceremony
- Logo on WACV website, in the program and proceedings
- Free exhibit/recruiting table
Silver Level ($2000)
- 2 free registrations
- Special recognition during award ceremony
- Logo on WACV website, in the program and proceedings
- Discount exhibit/recruiting table ($500)
Bronze Level ($1000)
- 1 free registration
- Special recognition during award ceremony
- Logo on WACV website, in the program and proceedings
Best Algorithms Paper, Best Applications Paper Awards
Recognition during the awards presentation, including presenter from company. Sponsorship is allocated to Gold sponsors on a first-come, first-serve basis.
We also have opportunities for sponsoring drink tickets for the evening buffet dinners and student travel grants.
Exhibit / Recruiting Tables
We have exhibit or recruiting tables available for purchase. They will be strategically placed throughout the conference facility to foster interaction between exhibitors and conference attendees. Tables will be staffed during the poster sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, March 7-9. Tables are $1000 and include 1 free full passport registration, an 8′ skirted table, and 2 chairs.
All registrations are made online and payment is by check or credit card. The deadline for exhibit applications is February 22.